In the Rising Podcast

A Special Gift for You!

Hi there!

I'm a Physical Therapist and I'm also the creator of this podcast and, I believe in the power of health and wellness, which is why I chose this profession and why I'm so passionate about sharing my knowledge with others.

I've had the privilege of speaking with some truly remarkable people, and many of them have emphasized the importance of eating healthy and nutritious foods.

The Mediterranean diet has consistently ranked as one of the healthiest ways of eating, and for good reason. It's a way of eating that's not only good for your body, but also for your mind and your overall well-being.

That's why I'm excited to offer you a free 12-recipe guide that you can download and add to your inbox right now. These recipes are designed to help you incorporate the Mediterranean diet into your daily routine, and they're packed with all the health benefits you're looking for.

Don't miss out on any of the great content we have on our website and on Medium. From articles to podcast episodes, I've got you covered when it comes to all things health and wellness.

In Good Health,


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